04/24/2023 Agenda with Supporting Materials

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Day:            Monday
Date:           April 24, 2023
Time:          Beginning at 5:30 pm
Location:    Community Center, Robert ‘Bob’ Crowell Board Room
                     851 East William Street
                     Carson City, Nevada 89701


Members of the public who wish only to view the meeting but do NOT plan to make public comment may watch the livestream of the Open Space Advisory Committee meeting at tvaw.3327e.com/granicus and by clicking on “In progress” next to the meeting date, or by tuning in to cable channel 191. Livestream of the meeting is provided solely as a courtesy and convenience to the public. Carson City does not give any assurance or guarantee that the livestream or cable channel access will be reliable. Although all reasonable efforts will be made to provide livestream, unanticipated technical difficulties beyond the control of City staff may delay, interrupt, or render unavailable continuous livestream capability.

The public may provide public comment in advance of a meeting by written submission to the following email address: parkspubliccomment@3327e.com. For inclusion or reference in the minutes of the meeting, your public comment must include your full name and be submitted via email by not later than 3:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. Public comment during a meeting is limited to three minutes for each speaker.

1.  Call to Order – Open Space Advisory Committee

2.  Roll Call & Determination of Quorum

3.  Public Comments ** The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of the Open Space Advisory Committee.  PUBLIC COMMENT

4. For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes – Open Space Advisory Committee meeting of February 21, 2023. 

5.  Meeting Items:  

Discussion and possible action to provide direction to staff related to action items and outcomes from Parks and Recreation Commission (“PRC”) and Open Space Advisory Committee (“OSAC”) Special Workshop of December 16, 2022. (Requested by Chair Mark Kimbrough) (Lyndsey Boyer, lboyer@3327e.com)

Staff Summary: A special workshop between the PRC and OSAC was held on December 16, 2022. The discussion, action items and suggested outcomes were summarized in the Strategic Planning Retreat Meeting Notes. This item aims to provide further discussion and review of the identified action items by the OSAC and staff.

5.B FOR POSSIBLE ACTION: Discussion and possible action regarding the creation of an awards program for the Open Space Advisory Committee OSAC to recognize groups or individuals who have made a contribution to the Open Space program, as well as member service. (Lyndsey Boyer, lboyer@3327e.com, Requested by Chair Mark Kimbrough)

Staff Summary: Chair Mark Kimbrough has requested further discussion regarding the development of an awards program to recognize achievements of past OSAC members and community leaders who have made important contributions to the Open Space program.

6. Staff Updates - For Discussion Only

6.A Director’s Report: Updates regarding the Department’s projects, programs, facilities, and events; grants; status of recruitment for vacant positions; Legislative update; and Board of Supervisor’s action items. (Jennifer Budge, jbudge@3327e.com)

6.B Open Space Manager Report: Activities related to projects managed by the Open Space Division, including updates within the Carson River corridor. (Lyndsey Boyer, lboyer@3327e.com)

6.C Trails Coordinator Report: Activities related to trail projects managed by the Open Space Division, including trail-related grants, programs, and events. (Gregg Berggren, gberggren@3327e.com)

7. Members’ Announcements and Requests for Information

8. Future Agenda Items – Discussion only

9.  Public Comment:**

The public is invited at this time to comment on any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda.

10. For Possible Action: To Adjourn

**PUBLIC COMMENT LIMITATIONS – The Committee will provide at least two public comment periods in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Open Meeting Law prior to adjournment.  No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. Public comment will be limited to three minutes per speaker to facilitate the efficient conduct of a meeting and to provide reasonable opportunity for comment from all members of the public who wish to speak. Testimony from a person who is directly involved with an item, such as City staff, an applicant or a party to an administrative hearing or appeal, is not considered public comment and is not subject to the three-minute time limitation.

Agenda Management Notice - Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time. 

Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters.  If you desire detailed information concerning any subject matter itemized within this agenda, you are encouraged to call the responsible agency or the City Manager’s Office.  You are encouraged to attend this meeting and participate by commenting on any agendized item.

Notice to persons with disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the Parks, Recreation & Open Space Department by calling (775) 887-2262 or in writing at 3303 Butti Way, Building #9, Carson City, Nevada 89701 at least 24 hours in advance. 

If you would like more information about any of the agenda items listed above, please contact the staff member listed at the end of the particular item you are interested in at (775) 887-2262.

To request a copy of the supporting materials for this meeting contact Patti Liebespeck at pliebespeck@3327e.com or call (775) 887-2262.

This agenda and backup information are available on the City’s website at  tvaw.3327e.com/agendas and at the Carson City Parks, Recreation & Open Space Department located at 3303 Butti Way, Building #9, Carson City, Nevada, 89701.

This notice has been posted at the following locations:
Carson City Parks, Recreation & Open Space Department
3303 Butti Way, Building #9, Carson City, Nevada

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