City Floodplain Services

Carson River

If requested, the Public Works Department will visit a property to review its flood problem and explain possible ways to stop flooding or prevent flood damage, at no cost. The Stormwater/Floodplain Department can also answer questions about flood insurance or provide information or contacts to find out more about flood insurance. Call the the hotline number (775) 887-2305, for further information.

Maintenance of private storm water facilities is the responsibility of the:

  • Property Owner
  • Developer
  • Homeowners Association, or
  • Property Manager designated by Property Owner.

The City is not responsible for maintenance of private storm drains, culverts or channels. Storm water utility funds are not used to maintain the private systems.

A written agreement with the City will identify the responsible party and the specific maintenance and inspection procedures for the site. City staff periodically inspect private facilities to ensure that the system operates properly.

Carson City Control Network
Maintaining Your Storm Drainage Facilities
Carson City Watersheds
Past Flooding Events